Obama: The Silver Lining

On January 20, 2017, exactly seven months from today, Barack Obama will finally hand the White House keys to a new tenant, and we must look back to 2008 to bring perspective to Obama’s presidency. Most have forgotten that prior to the collapse of Lehman Brothers on September 15, 2008, political polls showed a mixed picture between John McCain and Barack Obama, with McCain taking the lead right before Lehman fell apart and broke the people’s confidence in the political and financial status quo.

That housing related event propelled “Hope and Change” into our collective consciousness and Barack Obama never looked back, having already proven that Hillary Clinton was a disease that enough Democrats wanted to avoid. But like I’ve stated before, “If there’s one thing that life has taught me is that every piece of the puzzle falls in place in due time,” and although it wasn’t apparent in 2008, the following quote applied to Obama: “Look around the poker table; if you can’t see the sucker, you’re it.”

As the stock market rebounded in March of 2009, courtesy of the FASB that changed mark-to-market rules, politicians were quick to take credit — any politician would have because that is the nature of the beast — and declared the economy healed. Then jobs were created and “Hope and Change” appeared to be working as advertised, although they couldn’t get anyone on board to vote for Obamacare, except Democrats. That “insurance” thingy, not “care” my friends, was yet another concocted nonsensical potion that will give all of us an ulcer in due time.

So we reached 2010, and Republicans regained control of the House of Representatives because the population was already kicking and screaming. As 2012 rolled around, believe it or not, the time wasn’t ripe for a change of the guard at the White House, and Mitt Romney emerged as the “sucker” that would purportedly unseat Barack Obama. But no such luck, and Mitt ended up ensuring that Obama would have another four years as commander-in-chief because the job, the legacy if you will, wasn’t complete, although not much would be accomplished beyond Obamacare.

Then 2014 mid-term elections delivered the Senate majority to the Republicans, once again a reflection of popular discontentment, and from this point on the economic conditions started to falter. Not that one would know the true American economic condition from the main stream media, government data, or even the stock market. You see, and contrary to urban myth, the stock market never discounts the future and that is why it crashes when it is confronted with reality. But people have never been happy, and while political spinsters continue to sell their snake oil, citizens have continued to feel the pain and started looking for alternatives to the usual lying nonsense. Pay close attention to the IBD/TIPP Economic Optimism Index, where readings below 50 indicate pessimism.

IBD/TIPP Economic Optimism Index
IBD/TIPP Economic Optimism Index

Along comes Donald Trump, a mostly Obama creation whether Barack admits it or not, although Republicans also contributed fuel to the Trump fire.

It goes without saying that Obama is either concerned with a posse out to get him at every turn, especially the racist type when all else fails, or everybody else is just stupid for not comprehending his superior intellectual thought process. Well let me explain Barack Obama’s place in history, and it will be historic for all the wrong reasons. A few years back I shared with some friends that Obama’s last year as POTUS would be the worst of his presidency because that’s the way the cyclical master ecosystem planned it. In other words, the script had already been written, and there wasn’t a thing anyone could do about it.

However and on the bright side, Obama will retire comfortably, make a few bucks writing a useless book which will highlight his accomplishments and forget about his shortcomings — or what would be 3 pages plus 300 pages — and deliver endless speeches to anyone unwilling to let go or seeking political favors. That will be the compensation for his unwilling contribution to the country, and the larger cause still misunderstood.

While Gitmo continued to be slowly erased to appease the usual suspects, San Bernardino wasn’t in the cards, and then the horrific massacre in Orlando happened, where the target was the LGBT community, which is comprised of mostly liberal supporters of Obama and company. But even that taken-for-granted-support will change to some degree because all is well until tragedies are no longer confined to somebody else. When one’s family and friends start to become the victims, all bets are off, and the firmly held belief system starts to shift. It could not get more politically uncomfortable than a Muslim killing 49 members of the LGBT community. Or can it? Unfortunately and sadly, it will, and the Obama administration will scramble for cover with every occurrence, which will not be limited to terrorism.

Europe, China, a deep-fried Middle East and a plethora of other factors have already been touched upon in the past. Now, let’s take a quick look at the ability of economists to predict recessions, and that is why economics is called the “dismal science.” The chart below depicts actual recessions with grey bars and how economists only predict them (blue line) when we’re already up to our necks in a shrinking GDP, and if one thinks that the Council of Economic Advisers to the President, any President, is of any use, then buying insurance against a Martian invasion is just as useful.

Recession prediction track record
Recession prediction track record

People can scream, throw a tantrum, and say whatever they wish at this juncture, just like Whoopi Goldberg, a complete waste of oxygen consumption, but by the time the script concludes, no person like Obama will ever be elected to the U.S. Presidency. What do you mean, some people have asked? Exactly! If you’re smart you’ll get it, and if you’re not smart you’ll eventually get it. Seat back, relax, and watch the show, and how everything and anything that can go politically wrong, will, leaving a bitter historical taste that will be hard to forget. As time elapses and the house of card comes tumbling down, the grin widens and the amusement is unstoppable because “they” continue to extol “their” virtues with a straight face, trying desperately to mask that uneasy inner feeling of uncertainty and failure. It’s like watching a movie where we know that in the end, and regardless of all twists and turns, the good guy always wins.

Here’s another interesting factoid regarding cycles: Fox News was founded on October 7, 1996, and Obama was elected to the Illinois Senate on November 5, 1996, his first public office. Looking back one can see the eventual and ironic collision course that developed and is very familiar to anyone that follows politics. In addition, and this is not a Fox News endorsement, please think about this: What if Fox News didn’t exist and we had received our news exclusively from NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN and MSNBC during Obama’s presidency? As we were headed for an unusual Presidency, to say the least, an unusual news source sprung into action. Holly whatever… damn, that is too funny… scary too!

Oh, oh, oh… and on the economic front, forget Venezuela because that’s an extreme condition of Socialist stupidity. Play close attention to France, a developed nation on the brink of economic indigestion where policies that would have been embraced by Obama himself and his cult followers have driven the country to the abyss. And then Germany busting at the seams with refugees that are NOT refugees!

Lastly, Obama was the first Senator to be elected to the Presidency in 48 years, with the last being John F. Kennedy, and that in itself holds an interesting historic mark. The fact that Obama was fresh, different, unspoiled, albeit unqualified to be POTUS, was his main appeal. What do you think Trump is?

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