A sample of active Generational Economic Cycles — GEC model.

Generational Economic Cycle: China Political Structure
Climax: Hong Kong Handover

Note: China’s GEC’s Climax is extended another 24 year cycle — similar to the USA mortgage market in 1982 — because Western outsourcing provided the economic impetus that the U.S.S.R. lacked. Thus the Climax-X is 2021 and the end of the normal cycle is 2045 with the Contraction phase now in motion.

Generational Economic European Union & Euro
Generational Economic European Union & Euro
Climax: BREXIT
Generational Economic Cycle: U.S.A. Progressive Movement
Generational Economic Cycle: U.S.A. Progressive Movement
Climax: Obamacare
Generational Economic Cycle: U.S.A. Racial Harmony
Generational Economic Cycle: U.S.A. Racial Harmony
Climax: Your guess…
Generational Economic Cycle: U.S.A. Economy
Generational Economic Cycle: U.S.A. Economy
Climax: Your guess…