The Real Threat Of Trump’s Inconvenient Appeal

Amusingly, the stock market, as measured by the Dow Jones Industrial Average, had its worst annual 10-day start in history, which can be viewed as pure trivia or just a blip in an otherwise bloated and fundamentally flawed system extremely manipulated by bureaucrats that deliver endless speeches replete with nonsense to mask their incompetence. But maybe the market’s behavior should not be a surprise at all, as we enter “The Twilight Zone” of contemporary human existence. For the record, solutions do exist, but none are pleasant, and please, whatever you do, don’t forget Greece because that is the template. Bet that you already had!

The media is avidly looking for reasons to explain the sudden stock market rout — China, Middle East, oil glut, beaching whales, homeless squirrels, etc. — when in fact they’re part of the problem, as they continually trumpet U.S. unemployment at 5% while it only takes simple algebra and light thinking to conclude that it’s a lie. The structural economic damage has been perpetrated, will take its toll after this recent hiatus, and there’s no easy way out while reporters tells us that we’ve been saved. Interestingly, people never truly felt the avidly touted economic boom.

Along comes Donald J. Trump and most pundits are extremely confounded because his ascent was unexpected, and, worse yet, the political gurus are literally falling flat on their faces trying to explain to their somewhat-numb audiences why their much hailed expertise has failed. Maybe it’s because it never existed, only because true gurus can anticipate change before it takes place. Actually guru is a Sanskrit term for “teacher, guide, expert, or master”, and the socio-techno-economic condition of India is enough for anyone to stop using the word.

In addition, the experts don’t shop at Walmart and are clueless about how the common folk really feel — as if they ever cared! Could it be that the stock market is stating, much like Trump supporters, that the jig is up and there’s no place to hide?

The American Condition - A Simple Abstraction
The American Condition – A Simple Abstraction

The American people’s view of government is illustrated by the graphic above, and politicians of all stripes are fully aware of “The American Condition,” and it has gotten progressively worse regardless of business cycles. Maybe that is why nobody wants to rock the boat because the end result is not easily digestible. Whether anyone agrees with “The American Condition” is completely irrelevant, because we’re reaching a tipping point and the truth will manifest itself in ways that cannot be refuted. Furthermore, Obama’s place in history was reserved ahead of time and his presidency is a silver lining in disguise and, just like a movie script, is unfolding as predicted. The Obama story will be explained later and starts with “look around the poker table…”

The word on the street is that Trump’s outsider status has the establishment scrambling for options, but the threat is far deeper and wider. Being an outsider may be a problem because Trump may refuse to play ball with those that feed off the political system and the country at large like parasites, and if he becomes POTUS and has relative success, the political manipulation industry will be disrupted and those responsible for the daily nonsense will have to run for cover — literally!

Parasites, you said? Have you ever watched the news on TV, littered with Democratic and Republican strategists, consultants, and pollsters among others? Those are the parasites that fill their coffers with the political monetary donations and that couldn’t care less about what “we the people” need or want, and their job is to elect and then spin and defend the ill defined actions and sometimes hilariously stupid positions of their “politiclients.” It would be extremely amusing if politicians were forbidden to access polls showing popular preferences, and had to blindly state their positions.

In addition, a common mantra is that Trump isn’t qualified to be President, although at this point many people feel that a three-legged dog would perform better. So what exactly does one need to qualify? A law degree from an Ivy League school? Pay close attention to “The American Condition,” mostly courtesy of Ivy League law degrees. If you haven’t noticed, Ivy League schools also supplied all the “bright” people that staffed Wall Street and propelled us into our current economic predicament. So much for a high priced education!

On the other side, we have Bernie Sanders and it isn’t so much about his appeal, but rather yet another indication that even Democrats are getting tired of the status quo and are conveying that Clinton has become a synonym for “corruption” or, to be more direct, “political garbage.” Meanwhile Hillary turns to Bill and raises her voice a la “what difference does it make:”

You gotta be kidding me! First a black bellhop, as you so eloquently put it, and now an old, independent and insane Socialist! At least the half-black dude was a Democrat. Not all is lost, though, and fortunately gay marriage is now legal. Huma! Get in here!

A Trump win would highlight how his unscripted, sometimes offensive conversation with the people is far superior to the traditional politically calculated speeches. In addition, it is a clear verdict that political operatives are mostly a waste of time when people start to pay close attention to the process and get really annoyed by all the pigs with lipstick. Yes, it is a game changer far more important than Trump himself.

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