Coronavirus: Quarantine Is The New Segregation

In order to protect diversity and inclusivity, we’re now ordered to ignore the source of the coronavirus named COVID-19, or one will be labeled a racist. Let it be known that racism is defined as a belief that “racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race,” not that a race carries a particular disease. That in itself, highlights the stupidity of people that go through life parroting words and concepts that they don’t understand, in an attempt to expand their intellectual status and social acceptance. A few well known individuals could be named as examples, but they hardly deserve the attention of a drunken sloth.

As of now, Chinatowns across America are virtually devoid of tourists due to people avoiding the Mongoloid race at any cost. It’s a simple matter of probability because 57% of the global cases are in China as of today, assuming the Chinese aren’t lying as usual. Increasingly people will stay away from certain groups and geographic areas as the contagion spreads, elevating the sense of racial and ethnic victimization.

Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University (JHU)
Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University (JHU)

Regardless of social labeling, the fact remains that COVID-19 originated in China, and everyone will behave accordingly as a matter of self-interest and survival, which is the default human modus operandi. Thus political correctness is rather silly, especially if you’re dead, and the following “Yes or No” questions can be used to extract the true colors from those yelling against racial and ethnic discrimination, which is a constitutional right regardless of disease.

  • If virus V starts to infect blue people, will you invite blue people to your house?
  • If all blue people are welcome due to inclusivity, is the probability of getting infected worth the risk?
  • Will you walk at night in any neighborhood for the sake of diversity and despite the local crime statistics?

Regarding evolution, science tells us that we still don’t know where viruses originated from and humankind will always stay several steps behind the ecosystem.

At the end of the day, however, despite all of their common features and unique abilities to copy and spread their genomes, the origins of most viruses may remain forever obscure.

We know that viruses — COVID-19, SARS, MERS, Ebola, and the already forgotten West Nile and Zika — had a geographic origin in Asia and Africa, and ignoring the implied message is hardly a clever move. You can read about the “10 Of The Worst Pandemics In History” and their birthplaces at MPHOnline.

Keep in mind that every organism on Earth has a purpose, and nothing exists just for the sake of decoration or tapas with cocktails. Thus, what’s the cause-and-effect being managed by the ecosystem? Don’t let emotion interfere with clarity of thought.

Although it may not be clear to most, the ecosystem went out of its way to create multiple human sub-species, but the world behaves as if it’s a large homogeneous happy family, with differences in physical characteristics to be viewed as minor distractions.

Aside from the health issues, the economic impact is extremely visible, and the flaws of diversity and globalism are being exposed. The impact will be fully digested when Western Civilization’s perception of its own endangered future becomes ingrained in the people’s psych, triggering defense mechanisms that are driven by self-interest.

Cumulative USA New Jobs and Consumer Debt
Cumulative USA New Jobs and Consumer Debt

The manufacturing outsourcing wave that started to expand around the end of the 20th century, led by the myopic economic pros of cheaper labor to feed the corporate bottom line, produced the cons depicted in the chart titled “Cumulative USA New Jobs and Consumer Debt” that speaks for itself. Worse yet, debt in this chart does not include home mortgages.

Cheap labor? It’s not as if Nike’s sneakers became cheaper to the consumer, or did they? Or did the Asian laborers buy Air Jordans? The lack of a middle class was addressed in “The Untold Economic Burden of Slavery,” putting the economic value of the racial/ethnic puzzle in context. Concerns are increasing about supply chains and the ramifications of the business decisions of yesteryear, with highly disruptive corrective measures and proposals already in the pipeline.

German Economy Minister Peter Altmaier said he wanted to support pharmaceuticals companies that are dependent for key reagents on imports from Asia to rebuild their production sites in Europe, Der Spiegel magazine reported on Friday.

Let’s simplify: SARS was the wake-up call that nobody heard almost 20 years ago, and as far as how important any human being is, someone once said that “you’re nothing more than a spec on the back of nobody’s mind.”

But as the pandemic expands, the ultimate test of “all men are created equal” will come to a boil, with a predictable master exhibition of human self-interest and intellectual ability in varying degrees. As “Kenya, Ethiopia join expanding list of African states with coronavirus,” the difference now is that nobody will come to anyone’s aid because everyone will be too busy tending to their own backyards.

How ironic! Quarantine Is The New Segregation, although 40 days won’t suffice. Make up your mind Western Civilization. This is the last call.

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