White Minority In America Will Be A Disaster

Racist and a myriad of other accusations are the default go-to labels when the facts inconveniently expose the fallacies of issues that revolve around race, ethnicity and equality, and the practice was covered in “You Are A Racist, Bigot, Xenophobe, And Must Repent.” The “Browning of America” is not a new topic, but those celebrating the eventual loss of majority status by white people, which should be named the “Unwhitening of America” to be truly inclusive, are either ignorant of history or willfully blind to the facts.

As shown in “USA: People, Debt & Politics,” a section here dedicated to deliver hints as to why America is descending into the abyss, the percentage of white people in America has declined since the middle of the 20th century.

USA Racial/Ethnic Demographics — 1790-2010
USA Racial/Ethnic Demographics — 1790-2010

The Pew Research Center reported that total minority babies took the top prize in 2015, and naturally it’s comforting to see one’s tribe grow, regardless of skin color or physical characteristics, because it leads to an increase in familiar faces and places.

Minority babies in America are the majority among the nation’s infants
Minority babies in America are the majority among the nation’s infants

Furthermore, Pew also informs us that non-Hispanic white people are now a minority in 109 counties in America, a trend that will expand.

109 U.S. counties where white population is below 50%
109 U.S. counties where white population is below 50%

Sociologists and other academic gurus pour over the data and either don’t understand the basics of humanity or are eagerly overlooking the obvious. They posit that “all men are created equal” is not a myth, it’s only a matter of skin tone and a social construct if you will, and business shall proceed unencumbered.

Let’s examine the purposely ignored facts with a refresher from “The College Trap And Silly Forced Diversity Ad Nauseam” regarding Historical Black Colleges and Universities and their graduation rate.

“Nationally, for all schools [black and white], the graduation rate is 60 percent,” Taylor said. “So, no one really is doing a good job.” The graduation rate for HBCUs is only 35 percent, Taylor said.

Taylor’s predictable approach in explaining the dismal performance is that it must be the fault of the educators and colleges, never the students. Well, “it’s not as if HBCUs can blame any racial group but themselves” because they operate in a self-segregated environment.

Then we’re often reminded of High School national scores, and how the quality of education has declined, feeding requests for more resources. Yes, it’s always about the money. But here’s a twist provided by Education By The Numbers.

Dr. Carr particularly pointed to the Hispanic drop out rate, which more than halved from 32 percent in 1990 to 15 percent in 2010. That means that the weakest teenagers who weren’t even part of the testing pool in 1971 because they’d dropped out of school are now staying in school. Their low test scores might be bringing down an average that would otherwise have been higher.

The fact that minority students are staying in school and lowering the national average will never be reported by the politically correct media because we shall not offend anyone while the nation sinks. The illogical logic is that because some cannot swim, everyone must stay in the sinking boat and drown in solidarity, and the bitter truth that “Political Correctness Shields The Inept” was already covered.

While minorities now see America as their own and celebrate their ascent — a kind of long overdue conquest — they forget that the USA is not a product of their ingenuity. To the point, non-whites continue to flock to America and Western Europe in the 21st century, seeking economic opportunity and handouts.

Understandably, I’m all for diversity as long as I’m not part of it.

For the record, Western Civilization has three traits that sets it apart from the rest: Curiosity, Creativity, and Courage, and that shall be explained at a later date.

But why would anyone think that the Browning of America is a positive development when black/brown people have never built a successful society? Where has a majority black/brown population in any country ever delivered enviable socio-techno-economic achievement on their own that enticed migration? And what exactly do black/brown people have to offer, based on their socio-techno-economic track record? It’s a fact finding mission and “It’s Realism, Not Racism.”

Here’s a proposal with an easy prediction: Pick the best contiguous 50% of land in America, take all the resources required and setup a USA 2.0 inhabited and governed by the Browning of America, and please build a wall to protect the wealth. Within one generation people will be begging to leave, much like they’ve been crawling over any border that leads to Western Civilization.

By now people will be yelling “white supremacist” to blur the landscape, but they will never deliver the proof requested regarding socio-techno-economic achievement because it’s non-existent. They will also turn down the offer for a USA 2.0 because they’re entitled to reparations to be paid by the usual suspects, which have been addressed in “Slavery: You’re Free Thanks To White People.”

It’s about the facts, not hate or xenophobia, because, frankly, if white people were afraid of strangers, they would have never colonized entire continents and share their knowledge with the locals, although the education was mostly an exercise in futility. Here’s the complete headline: “White Minority In America Will Be A Disaster, Especially For Today’s Minorities.”

It’s always about the people, and “2081” is unstoppable, will transcend politics, and will deliver the macro corrective measures to the white minority report. The end result is a social and economic realignment that will reiterate the strengths and weaknesses of humanity and its various races in no uncertain terms.

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